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강좌 내용 원본 링크
- 구글 문서 링크
- 2. 미디어 쿼리와 스크린 경계치
- html5-boilerplate, Viewport and Media Queries: The Complete Idiot's Guide, 구글문서, 2011
- quirksmode.org, A pixel is not a pixel is not a pixel, 2010
- 456bereastreet.com, Controlling text size in Safari for iOS without disabling user zoom, 2010.
- W3C Recommendation, Media Queries, 2012
- Safari Web Content Guide, Configuring the Viewport
- Roger Johansson, Controlling text size in Safari for iOS without disabling user zoom, 456bereastreet.com, 2010
- Android Developers, Targeting Screens from Web Apps
- GionaF, css3-mediaqueries.js VS respond.js, Stack Overflow, 2011
- Patrick Grady, Re-thinking Breakpoints in Responsive Design, 2012